Prepare for space

Is your company ready to explore the growing commercial potential of the space sector? ESA Technology Broker DK offers free guidance and training to help both space and non-space companies find commercial opportunities in the space industry. Through ESA’s Prepare for Space initiative, your business can apply for complimentary consultancy services to build a strong business case for success in the space market. Our Technology Brokers will assist you in identifying relevant funding opportunities and guide you through applying for ESA Invitations to Tenders (ITTs) and other industry calls. Let us help you navigate the market opportunities within your next frontier and build a profitable business in the commercial space sector.

Why choose prepare for space


Improve your business case for space, addressing aspects such as financial, managerial, business model, or market studies.


Get an understanding of your space supply chain or find new ways of using space technologies and satellite services in non-space sectors.


Get an overview of your options for funding and understand how to respond to ESA Invitations To Tenders and other space-related calls.


Get guidance and training in writing your funding application and understand how to participate in ESA procurements.  

Open call: Prepare for Space

Most frequent questions and answers

The Prepare for Space (P4S) initiative is designed to support companies in finding commercial opportunities in the space industry to access the space market, and to take advantage of satellite services to grow business in other sectors.

The P4S initiative’s scope is to help newcomers to start activities in space-related business areas, which can be divited into two major types of companies:

Bringing terrestrial innovations into the space sector and space programmes
Companies who are operating in non-space sectors and would like to enter the space business by offering cutting-edge terrestrial technologies for use in space applications. This could include innovations in fields like production technologies such as 3D-printing, mass-productions automation, advanced materials, robotics technology, AI and quantum technologies.

Solving industrial terrestrial challenges by using space assets and satellite services  

Companies who are working in non-space and would like to improve their terrestrial businesses by adding space technologies or satellite services. This could be more accurate satellite-based positioning like GPS, satellite communication, or satellite-based Earth Observation data to improve activities in agriculture, transportation, maritime operations, or sustainability.

With the P4S initiative, ESA Technology Broker Denmark offers a series of activities to support companies in the above, tailored specifically to the needs of the company, including:

Workshops and 1-to-1 meetings to identify competencies relevant to the company and its goals. It may cover the evaluation of technologies and needs, activities to get ready to bid for an ESA invitation to tender, and developing concepts and paths to move forward.

Tailored training sessions to help companies understand the space sector, along with its requirements and opportunities. Topics can include space technology standards, project management, and regulatory compliance.

Definition of value proposition to help determine where the company could be positioned within the space value supply chain.

Funding opportunity support to coach companies on responding to specific calls and writing applications.

Long-term coaching to jointly work with a company to connect with space ecosystems, such as through matchmaking with partners and customers in Denmark and internationally.

The above support is provided through a formal contractual agreement with DTU Space, who operate the ESA Technology Broker Denmark activity.

ESA Prepare for Space is targeted at SMEs and larger entities in Denmark including the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Typically, these entities are either new to the space market or need to know more about ESA’s funding opportunities.

To be eligible for Prepare for Space the applicants must be:

  • New to doing business with space (upstream or downstream).
  • In case you are not new to space, the reason for support must be justified.
  • Registered in Denmark with a CVR number + be registered for VAT (MOMS).
  • Headquartered in Denmark.
  • Applying for Prepare for Space with an activity or project that will be carried out in Denmark.
  • In contact with ESA Technology Broker DK for the correct preparation of the application.

Please download the Prepare for Space guide below to check the full list of requirements.

First, you will have to contact ESA Technology Broker DK to state your interest and discuss your eligibility. We strongly advice that talk to us before your start filling out your application. Please contact Poul Zimmermann Nielsen

Second, you will have to download and complete the Prepare for Space application package which can be downloaded in the section below this FAQ. 

The application package consists of: 

  • Prepare for Space Guide (a guide on how to apply)
  • Prepare for Space Application Template (to be completed by applicant):
    • Cover letter template 
    • Data protection statement
    • Proposal template
  • A Draft Contract (under preparation – will be provided later upon request)

The application has to be submitted via email to Poul Zimmermann Nielsen 

Once an application has been submitted by the applicant to the ESA Technology Broker Denmark, a first assessment is done by our brokers to ensure compliance with the open call. 

If the application is found non-admissible, the applicant will be informed with the reason explained. In such a case an applicant is eligible to submit a revised proposal later.

If the application is compliant with the formal requirements, the proposal will be submitted for final evaluation at the Tender Evaluation Board (TEB), with ESA and ESA Technology Broker Denmark, to approve or reject the application.

Please read the Prepare for Space Guide for a full overview of the evaluation criteria. You can download the guide in the Prepare for Space application package below. 

The Prepare for Space call is permanently open and has no closing date for the submission of applications. The evaluation of applications is scheduled on a rolling basis.

Your company can submit your application at any time.  

The first evaluation will be done by ESA Technology Broker and will take approximately 5 business days.

When ESA Technology Broker Denmark accepts the application it will be sent for final evaluation at the Tender Evaluation Board with ESA.

The Tender Evaluation Board  meets on specific dates throughout the year. 

In Q1 and Q2 2025 the Tender Evaluation Board meets on the 26/2, 19/3, 30/4, 28/5, 18/6.  

Applications will be notified tentatively within 10 days after the board meetings.

application package

Consult the details of the Prepare for Space Open Call in the application package that includes more details on the offer and templates for your application. The Draft Contract is still under preparation and will be provided later upon request.

Contact us to discuss your prepare for space application

If you are not already in contact with ESA Technology Broker DK please write us an email to state your interest in Prepare for Space and get guidance on how to complete your application correctly.

Poul Zimmermann Nielsen

Space Commercialization Manager,
ESA Technology Broker DK

Phone:  +45 93 51 14 68